35 Vital Reasons to Schedule a PT Screening for Your Child

smiling child on swing

When you think of physical therapy (PT), you might think of injured adults, but many babies, children, and teens can benefit from PT. Need help determining if your child needs PT?

We share 35 vital reasons to schedule a PT screening for your child.

Important Reasons Newborns and Babies Need a PT Screening

Reasons your newborn or baby may need a pediatric physical therapy screening:

1. Your baby favors one side of the body.

2. Your child has been diagnosed with torticollis or demonstrates a preference for holding their head to one side

3. Your baby has weakness in the extremities from a birth injury such as a brachial plexus injury or Erbs Palsy

4. Your baby doesn’t move one of his arms, shoulders, or hands.

5. Your baby was born with Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, or another congenital condition.

6. Your baby was born with a genetic condition

7. Your infant turns, rotates, or tilts her head, neck, or trunk in one direction.

8. Your child has a tongue or lip tie, resulting in ineffective sucking, favoring nursing on one breast over the other, a tight jaw, or other signs of tension syndrome (strains).

9. Your baby struggles with tummy time

10. Your one-month-old infant is not able to turn their head to rest their opposite cheek on the ground,

11. Your three-month-old can’t lift their head when on their tummy or while being held

12. Your baby feels “floppy.”

13. Your child was born with spina bifida.

14. Your doctor diagnosed low muscle tone (hypotonia) or high muscle tone (hypertonia) in your infant.

15. Your baby appears to be more left-handed or right-handed. For example, he always reaches for objects with one hand, not the other. (Hand dominance doesn’t show up until your toddler is about two years old or older.)

16. Your child has “flat head syndrome.” 

17. Your doctor says your child is missing developmental milestones. For example, she says, “At your child’s age, he should be doing….” and your child cannot.

18. Healthy babies don’t all develop at the same rate, but you notice that your child seems very slow to roll over, sit, crawl, pull to standing, or walk.

19. Your baby was born prematurely.

Vital Reasons Older Children May Benefit From PT Screenings

After your baby’s first birthday, a physical therapy screening can be helpful. Pediatric physical therapy (link to page) can benefit your preschooler, school-age child, or teen if your child:

20. Delayed, difficulty or inability to take independent steps, walk, run or jump

21. Walks on their tippy toes.

22. Is “pigeon-toed” (in-toeing).

23. Sits with her legs in a W-pattern (knees in, ankles out).

24. Lacks good balance.

25. Seems clumsy or uncoordinated.

26. Has trouble walking up or down stairs without tripping.

27, Can’t keep up with other children their age.

28. Often trips or falls.

29. Complains of muscle aches or pains.

30. Can’t kick, throw, or catch a ball.

31. Recovery from a fracture or broken bone.

32. Decreased flexibility

33. Got injured playing sports.

34. Slouches or has rounded shoulders with their head forward.

35. Has headaches or neck pain from texting.

Of course, more than 35 reasons exist. Above, we listed just a handful of situations parents, healthcare professionals, teachers, or caregivers might notice. 

Not sure if your child needs physical therapy?

Contact us today for a free physical therapy screening or to schedule an evaluation.

Emily O’Shea, PT, DPT

This is general information and not specific medical advice. Always consult with a doctor or healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns about the health of a child.
headshot of pediatric physical therapist Ms Emily

Emily O'Shea, PT, DPT

Pediatric Physical Therapist at Infinity & Beyond Pediatric Therapy

Our Treatment Approach

We are one of just a handful of Illinois clinics that integrates a fresh treatment approach called MNRI®. This groundbreaking method integrates physical, emotional, and social skills with your child’s unique neurological framework. As a result of MNRI®, we have seen children’s progress take off. We have discovered that MNRI® may boost your child to greater, more global, sustained, and long-lasting success.

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About Stephanie

Stephanie Vogler smiling and holding her daughter

Stephanie Vogler, OTR/L, C/NDT, MNRI® Core Specialist, is the owner and founder of Infinity and Beyond Pediatric Therapy. Learn more about Stephanie.

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Brittany Frankel

Brittany Frankel graduated from Elmhurst University with her Master of Occupational Therapy and holds a Bachelor of Social Work from Northeastern Illinois University. Brittany is passionate about working with children and developing strong relationships with their families to ensure collaboration to work towards the client and family-oriented goals. She has experience working with children with difficulties in a variety of areas but is especially passionate about working with children with sensory and emotional regulation and executive functioning challenges. Brittany has taken continuing education courses in areas including Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI), interoception, executive dysfunction, and sensory processing. Brittany works under the belief that “kids do well if they can,” a quote from Dr. Ross Greene, and that a large piece of intervention is working to uncover the underlying deficits leading to functional difficulties. When not working, Brittany’s favorite hobbies include horseback riding, spending time with her cat and dog, reading, and playing with her nieces and nephew.